Casa Vicens Gaudí offers an educational approach for both schools and families with the aim of imparting all the genius of Gaudi’s first house from multiple perspectives.

Educational programme for schools

An educational programme aligned with the Casa Vicens values: creativity, excellence, audacity, discovery and proximity. The result is an educational offering which responds to curricular objectives and which allows the development of key, up-to-date competencies for the pupil, without forgetting the importance of the setting: the first house created by Antoni Gaudí, and a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Download [PDF Dossier educatiu de la Casa Vicens 2020] -language: Catalan-

Email: / Phone: + 34 932 711 064

Educational activities for adults and families

Casa Vicens Gaudí offers a programme of activities directed towards adults and families alike, which are held at weekends.

We currently offer:

  • Ceramic workshop, given by Manel Diestre, master ceramicist in charge of the ceramic restauration of Casa Vicens. We offer a version for adults and another for the whole family. In both workshops, participants will take a tour of Casa Vicens, discover the production process of Casa Vicens’ characteristic tiles, make one themselves, and after the firing process they will be able to take it home.
  • Drawing visit to Casa Vicens, by  @drawingbarcelona. With this visit we invite you to discover Casa Vicens while you connect with your creative potential, observing the multiple details housed by this building and drawing some elements of the house following the instructor’s advice.

You can see our complete programme in the ‘Activities’ section of our website.