Casa Vicens takes the figure of Antoni Gaudí closer to vulnerable groups

16 / 04 / 2024

In the course of 2023, a total of 12 visits were made by different groups in a situation of vulnerability, at risk of social exclusion or by third-sector organisations.

This building, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is also a cultural example of commitment to social responsibility. A museum facility that seeks to bring the culture and work of Gaudí closer to groups in a situation of vulnerability, at risk of social exclusion and to third-sector organisations.

Last year, the house was visited on 12 occasions by a total of almost 200 people from such groups. Some of the organisations that got the chance to see Gaudí’s first house include: Germanes Hospitalàries, l’Associació Catalana d’Integració i Desenvolupament Humà (ACIdH) de Barcelona, Federació Salut Mental Catalunya, the Belgian GOK=Equal Opportunities Institute, where students from low-income families and autism study, and Servei VinclesBCN.

Mention should also be made of Lluïsos de Gràcia, through the “Grans actius” [Great Assets] initiative, and the Equipament Integral Meridiana of the City Council of Barcelona and the CAP [Primary Healthcare Centre] Vallcarca. The latter organised a programme featuring outings for elderly people who live alone in Barcelona. The programme is called “El CAP es mou” [The CAP, out and about].

Casa Vicens seeks to forge bonds with the citizens, which is why it will continue to open its doors to new organisations and vulnerable groups this year as well.