“Ceramic flower painting” family workshop

The ceramics from Casa Vicens are one of its most recognisable elements. Can you imagine discovering the process of creating tiles with carnations, the yellow flowers that cover the house’s façades? Led by the master artisan ceramist Manel Diestre, director of the process to restore Casa Vicens’ ceramic pieces, you’ll discover the process of creating … Read more

The first Sant Jordi at Casa Vicens

Sant Jordi heralds the burst of spring, literary profusion and neighbourly joy. The streets overflow with adventure and people are filled with the gleaming intuition that good weather is on its way. This year, we are especially excited about the festivities because they will be the first that we open our doors open to the … Read more

An unfortunate incident

In the autumn of 1898, Casa Vicens was the scene of an unfortunate incident that was documented by newspapers such as La Publicidad, La Vanguardia, La Campana de Gràcia and others. We can also seek out additional information and inquire into how the neighbours perceived the building, for example. When conducting historical research, direct sources … Read more

Who was Mr Vicens?

Not much is known about Manuel Vicens i Montaner (1836-1895). We know that he was the one who decided to build a new summer home on the property that he inherited from his mother Rosa Montaner Matas in 1877, but little else. Who was this man who lived in Barcelona in the 19th century and … Read more

100 days of Casa Vicens

One hundred days have passed since Casa Vicens opened its doors, and we can attest that we are very satisfied with how the project has been received if we take a careful review. Whilst we made our dreams come true, our suspicions were confirmed: explaining a work by Gaudí rigorously, tactfully and unhurriedly was possible … Read more

Gaudí and his concept of the house

‘The house is the small family nation. The family, like the nation, has history, foreign relations, changes of government, and so on. The independent family has its own house, that which is not, has a rented house. The owned house is the native country, the rental house is the land of emigration; this is why … Read more